Saturday, August 16, 2014

Updates 8/16/14

Sorry for the lack of updates for the last 2+ years, I haven't gotten nearly as much as I would like to have gotten done with music in the last few years, but work and other things/people have gotten in the way. I've been trying to save up money for new gear/trying to move out of my parents house/had to buy a new car because my current commute is an hour each way.

I bought a pair of Adam A7X's a few months ago and haven't had a good amount of time to break them in yet, but I've moved my Alesis Monitor Two's into the closet for the time being because they take up half my desk. Nothing too crazy, just mostly been trying to get more equipment, rearranging, and improving them in my home studio. I'd post pictures, but it's still not impressive yet.

If anyone wants to buy me a nice house and fill it with studio equipment, I'd be okay with that.

I'm trying to get myself back into things, 2013 wasn't easy and the beginning of this year brought a lot of changes, but I'm getting things stabilized finally and trying to get myself recording and playing more than I was in the last year. My newest band, CrankPope, has played a few shows so far this year and they've gone pretty well. Other than that, I've mostly been practicing new material for other projects, and it looks like I never posted the newest Satan's Basement song on here, so I'll do that now:

I'll try and get more updates going as I get myself back on track with recording, but in the meantime... I figured I'd at least post this so everyone knows I'm still alive.